Crash News Coverage for Texas

Dallas Tragedy: Benjamin Brown and Andrew Cruise Collision on West Illinois Ave

Dallas Tragedy Benjamin Brown and Andrew Cruise Collision on West Illinois Ave

On the night of September 4th, 2023, a tragic accident occurred on West Illinois Avenue in Dallas, Texas. This incident involved two vehicles – a 2020 grey Ford Ranger driven by 33-year-old Benjamin Brown and a 2000 gold Nissan Maxima operated by 28-year-old Andrew Cruise. The collision resulted in severe consequences for both drivers and highlighted the dangers of speeding and reckless driving.

Unit 1, the Ford Ranger driven by Benjamin Brown, was approaching the intersection from behind Unit 2, the Nissan Maxima driven by Andrew Cruise. Tragically, Unit 1 was determined to be speeding , confirmed by data from the airbag control module, indicating a speed of 65 miles per hour.

The high speed of Unit 1 had devastating consequences when it collided with the rear left of Unit 2. The force of the impact sent Unit 2 into a clockwise rotation, causing it to spin towards the right side of the roadway.

As Unit 2 spun, it struck a fire hydrant with its left passenger side, knocking it off its base. The vehicle then slid backward towards a nearby house, colliding with a brick wall. The impact with the house resulted in significant damage to both the vehicle and the property.

Meanwhile, Unit 1 veered to the right after the initial impact, colliding with a mailbox before running over a fence and landscaping. The crash caused extensive damage to the mailbox and the surrounding property.

Andrew Cruise, the driver of Unit 2, was taken to the Methodist Dallas Medical Center for medical treatment. The report does not indicate the extent of the injuries that Benjamin Brown suffered.

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